Mutant Sex Party \u0026 Other Plays By Ed Macdonald

on Mutant Sex Party \u0026 Other Plays

Drama Most of the plays in this collection were first produced by The Drilling Company in New York In MUTANT SEX PARTY OTHER PLAYS Ed Macdonald eviscerates the high and mighty the hypocritical and those who abuse power in late Capitalism America He expertly peels back the tattered facade of corporate respectability and reveals the hypocrisy that is brokered and sold under the guise of doing business in America These plays dig deep at the rot that lies at the base of a free rein unregulated capitalist market system As well as the title piece the collection includes The Escape Artist Erratica Gemini Smoke Blood Hot Meat and Titus Lucretius Carus Ain t no party like a Mutant Sex Party cause a Mutant Sex Party don t stop Okay now that s out of my system For the characters in these plays however nothing ever gets out of their system They are all stuck bottled up locked in constant struggles of domination legally politically and sexually That said Macdonald is such a good writer that he makes you care about these characters ancient Romans and Hipsters Crazy Ladies and Cops everyone s been invited to this MUTANT SEX PARTY including you Will you accept Macdonald s invitation A. Pasquella Broken Pencil On the play Gemini a crisp and clear loony toon takes over an asylum to carry out his dreams of becoming a moderate fascist dictator an enjoyable and illuminating experience The Village Voice It s all a weighty symbolic lyrical tale of postmodern alienation packaged in a hysterical tirade delivered by a crazy person Kindly pass the dopamine It s a hilarious trip to a brave new world Leonard Jacob Backstage On the play MUTANT SEX The audience is constantly on the edge of their seats wondering What s real What s a fantasy a complex and challenging play that is very political in nature Don t let the title foolou this is about mutant politics as much as sex We are reminded that while lying and cheating are accepted in politics a blowjob can ruin a career a dynamic roller coaster of a theatrical experience Karl Wilder ONOFFOFF Mutant Sex Party u0026 Other Plays

Mutant Sex Party \u0026 Other Plays By Ed Macdonald
